Uluslararası Basın
Özellikle toplumun en yoksul kesimlerini vuran koronavirüs salgınında mülteci ve göçmenler de zorlu bir mücadele veriyor. Pandemi, Türkiye gibi ağır bir göç yükünün altına giren ülkeler için ayrı bir sınav niteliğinde.
Independet Premium: Turkey for Syrians - a home or a stepping stone?
After it was announced that Turkey would be opening its borders to let nearly 4 million Syrian refugees enter Europe, there was some jubilation - until Greece took brutal steps to prevent the movement. Sebnem Arsu met those refugees looking for a home
Turkish government and opposition parties need to work together to prevent the deepening of anti-immigrant talk and xenophobic Turkish nationalism.
Wenn ab Donnerstag der türkische Staatspräsident Erdoğan in Berlin ist, wird es zu zahlreichen Demonstrationen gegen ihn kommen. Der Gast aus Ankara agiert aktuell aus einer Position der Schwäche. Er bittet um Unterstützung Deutschlands. Doch beide Seiten sind aufeinander angewiesen.
Al-Monitor: Dramatic demographic changes loom for Turkey, experts warn
Although Turkey is no stranger to migration, unprecedented demographic changes are in store for the country in the coming years, experts say. This is not only because the number of incoming migrants is on the rise, but also because Turkey faces simultaneous problems of brain drain and economic instability.
THE refugee camp on the outskirts of Kahramanmaras, in Turkey’s south, glows as brightly as the local officials singing its praises. The air-conditioned container-unit houses, home to 24,000 displaced Syrians and Iraqis, are spotless. Each unit comes with a kitchen, a bedroom, a television and a laundry machine. The camp also boasts a school, a hospital and a supermarket.
Die Zeit: Warum sollte die Türkei die ganze Arbeit übernehmen?
Die Türkei ist mit den vielen Flüchtlingen im Land überfordert, sagt der türkische Migrationsforscher Murat Erdoğan. Sie brauche eine gemeinsame Asylstrategie mit der EU.
Frankfurter Allgemeine: "Die Türkei ist auch eure Heimat"
Staatspräsident Erdogan kündigt an, die türkische Staatsbürgerschaft an syrische Flüchtlinge zu vergeben. Ein politischer Schachzug des starken Mannes in Ankara?
Türk Lirası'ndaki aşırı değer kaybı ve gittikçe pahalanan yaşam şartlarının yerini bir ekonomik krize bırakması halinde bu durumdan en fazla etkilenecek grupların başında Türkiye’de sayıları 3,5 milyonu aşan Suriyeli mülteciler geliyor.
İç savaştan kaçarak Türkiye’ye sığınan Suriyeliler entegrasyona sıcak baksalar da toplum tarafından kabul görmeyeceklerini düşünüyorlar. Uzmanlar ise entegrasyonun zorluklarına dikkat çekiyor.