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Prof. Dr.

M. Murat Erdoğan

Turkish German University (Istanbul) / Director, Migration and Integration Research Centre-TAGU /

TAU Faculty Member, Department of Political Science & International Relations at TAU

New Publications


Turkey and COVID-19: Don't forget refugees

One of the most acute challenges relates to Turkey’s vast refugee and migrant population. The number of Syrian refugees, asylum seekers from a range of countries, and irregular migrants in the country surpasses 5 million. Most of them lead precarious lives in difficult circumstances, making them particularly vulnerable to contracting and spreading the virus.


Qudra Programme Research Panel

The GIZ-QUDRA project titled “Demographical Development Of The Syrian Refugee Population And Its Potential Impacts On The Education, Employment And Municipality Services In Turkey In Near Future” aimed to take account of the last 8 years in regards to more than 3.6 million Syrians who have arrived to Turkey since April 2011 and have been living in Turkey until today, to present the current status, and to present the expectations for the future along with policy recommendations in this framework.


Göç Sertifika Programı

Dünyanın ve Türkiye'nin son yıllarda en önemli tartışma alanlarından birisi göçmenler ve mültecilerdir. KAS Türkiye ve TAGU işbirliğinde gerçekleştirilen

"GÖÇ SERTİFİKA PROGRAMI" ile en iyi uzmanlardan göçü ilgilendiren pek çok konuda bilgilenmeniz ve kapasitenizi güçlendirmeniz mümkün olacaktır.

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Conferences & Events

Photo gallery of interest with national and international conferences and events.

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